Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Handa Here I Come

Hello again!! Tuesday morning we all got up and listened to a bunch of speeches from the Ministry of Education in Japan which were entertaining but altogether useless. Then I made an executive decision to skip some of the workshops to take a nap, but then went to listen to workshops about team teaching and senior high schools (which is where i am teaching) in Japan. We got done with all the conferences around 5 and then had to take our luggage down to be shipped to our contracting organization. Then me and some guys from my prefecture decided to go out and exlore tokyo a little. We took the train to harajuku to see the lolita girls and mountain hags (a term for japanese women who are hyper tan with their hair dyed blonde and crazy frosty make-up on. I love Harajuku, way too much crazy fashion. After that we went to shibuya which has the worlds largest intersection, seriously millions of people and bright lights everywhere. Then it started to rain so we went back to the hotel and called it an early night. Wednesday morning we had to be down in the lobby at 9:30 to catch the shinkansen, bullet train, to Nagoya. It took us about 2 and half hours to get there and I was greeted by huge signs with LAUREN on them, it was great. They really go treat us like celebrities here. The vice principal of Handa High and an english teacher, Kawai-sensei, were there to greet me. They tok me out for a sweet, as they called it, in order to welcome me. Then they drove me into Handa, which is only 30 minutes by train outside of Nagoya, the capital of Aichi prefecture. When we got to Handa we went staight to the school and they took me on a tour. The school is has a swimming pool, soccer field, handball field, tennis courts, a baseball field, a is three buildings connected by corridors...i couldnt believe how huge it was! After that Kawai-sensei took me to get pictures for my alien registration card and to the supermarket. It is surprising easy to tell what is what and my Japanese is getting better already. Right next to the school is a 7 Eleven, which is not only convient but awesome. I have already drank my fair share of Fanta, which tastes way better here than in the states. Then We went to my apartment and sorted everything out with the landlady, who took ALL my money...its way too expensive here! But my apartment is cozy and they put in new wallpaper, so it looks very nice and clean...and there is air conditioning thank god! its fricken hot here! anyways, after that i decided to wander the city and go back to the grocery store. I got lost. It took me about an hour to get to grocery store that is literally 5 minutes away. sad... but then i went back to the apartment took a shower and went to bed, yesterday was a long and hard day. This morning, thursday, i got to school at 9 and met the students in the english club, who showed me around the school. They are so shy, but so cute all in there uniforms and they giggle at everything...but they are really looking forward to me helping them with their speeches for the english competition in september. All the students are on summer break right now, but they come to school a lot to study and do activites, very different from us haha! But anyways i have to get back to my desk to eat lunch...a rice ball and yogurt, man i miss pizza! ps. this computer at the school is all in japanese so i have no idea what im typing and if its right, so good luck reading it!! love you all!


Mom said...

Sounds like you are having fun Lauren-those kids are going to love yah!Glad you have air conditioning! Hope you still have some money

Love Mom and Dad

Derek Montgomery said...

OMG looks like your blog was made by the people behind High School Musical with color choices picked by the Spice Girls.

Glad you are doing well.

Mike said...

I thought you were in China??????

Bitburger said...

LuLu sounds like so much fun, i am filled w/ envy. do not forget to try the grilled eel..eehhhh

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have air conditioning too and that you like your apartment! Also, I totally agree with the fanta comment...that is all I drank in London because fanta overseas is amazing...I also brought a 2 liter bottle home for my mom and sister to try....haha anyways enjoy your next couple days and hope the adjustment is going well! Love and miss you!

Unknown said...

A sweet? Fanta? A 7 Eleven right next to school? Air conditioning? You are going to be A.O.K.!!
Love how they welcomed you! Take some pictures so we can see your apartment, the school, the kids and the town. I miss you and love you!!
Auntie Rita

brianna said...

Lauren!!! I'm so happy to hear you are being treated like a celebrity...since you should tell them you're famous or something. haha. well anyways im happy you're having such a good time! it sounds like the school and your apartment are very nice and that you will have a wonderful year! it's funny how the kids go back to school in the summer. haha. yes, very different from here! good to hear your japanese is getting better! i would love to see some pictures! love you and miss you! ps im going to new york next wednesday!!! im excited :-)

Aunt Pat said...

Wow! Hard to believe we just saw you a week ago. You should have an amazing stay based just on your 1st wk. Harajuku, etc. -- places, concepts, people, things????? How do you keep it all straight? In yr personal speech be sure to warn them about all the tall, thin relatives that will be coming to visit! Love ya and look forward to hearing more details. Aunt Pat

Meghan said...

I work next to a 7-11 too! We are twins, except I'm sure your 7-11 employees have teeth!

P.S. I am banned from Door County! I'll tell you about it later...