Monday, March 9, 2009

Lauren in Japan

random pictures of what ive been up to lately...


Unknown said...

Hey Sweetie!

Pretty cool pix. Thanks for posting and sharing. Next time, post a photo of you eating a dish of delectable fish head! Yummy for the tummy!

Have a fantabulous time in Thailand and ride the elephant like nutjob Rita did! Whee!

xoxo ~ Yui

Mike said...

Did you ride the elephant? Can't wait to see some pictures.
Now it's back to work, if you call it that!
Have a good time.

Uncle Mike

Debbie said...

Lulu I heard you did ride that elephant and that you are experiencing all kinds of adventures. As far as the fish heads go, that picture can wait. I think you are an adventurous soul and a good sport for trying them. You are too funny and cute for words. Happy Easter, Debbie