Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Closet :(

Orientation yesterday went well. All 18 new JETs of Aichi were there and some older CIRs were there as well. We listened to speeches, watched a video about Aichi, and had panels on life and teaching in Japan...there was some useful information at this one as opposed to the Tokyo orientation which wasn't quite as relevant. I found out some interesting facts that I feel inclined to tell you....like how laws in japan are ultra-serious. Apparently possession of marajuana or heroine gets you the same punishment according to japanese law, they dont really understand the difference between the two and if you are caught with either you are royally screwed. Also here the police have the right to question you at any time if they feel like it, so basically no one has any rights here....very odd. And there is no right to an expedient trial here, they can hold you for as long as they like and they basically mentally torture you until they get a confession, since they really cant cant any evidence to convict besides a confession. We heard lots of stories about previous Jets who got arrested slash got into big trouble with the law here. After orientation we had a reception and we did it japanese-style if you will....we all stand around these little tables and listen to the host speak and then after she was done we kanpai-ed (cheered) our beers and then we could start on the buffet. I went simple, beef and rice...only to realize whilst i was eating the rice that something in it had eyes....yes yes there were tiny little fish in my rice. It was still delicious, but i've discovered that the japanese find a way to sneak fish into everything so i might as well just be prepared for it. After that a few of us went out for a nijikai (second party) and sat under the tv tower just hanging out. We decided to call it an early night and left around 8:30, but i was still hungry so i went to the train station and got a crepe....good stuff. Now im at work again just sitting, but at 2 I have an appointment with Hiroki, a young boy working on a speech for a speech competition. I am helping him with his pronunciation and delivery, his speech is so sad about how he was picked on and such, but i cant help but laugh at times because his tone is way too happy for the content of the speech and he cant pronounce the th sound to save his life haha. Im putting up pictures of my apartment! Much Love.


Maria said...

Seeing these pictures makes me hate you/love you/miss you. Here's hoping you don't get arrested and mentally tortured for slutting yourself around so much :)
Life in Madison isn't the same without you! We miss you love.

Unknown said...

Let's hope that you can score some Mountain Dew this weekend. It sounds like you are getting things together slow but sure. I know it will be great to have a phone, they are wonderful. Thanks for keeping me laughing especially about the eyes in your rice. Enjoy your weekend Lulu. Debbie