Wednesday, August 6, 2008


ohayoo gozaimasu! so apparently im a tampa bay bucs fan now, sweet! i would like to take this time to wish aaron rodgers all the worst luck in the world...moving along... I have internet on my computer at school now! Yesterday we hooked my computer up to the school internet, it look a couple hours but we finally got it to work! I still have absolutely nothing to do. Yesterday i read a book at school, then looked off into nothing for multiple hours than read every article i could find online. Than after work i met up with my friend matt in nagoya for dinner. We went to a beer garden haha and had huge mugs of kirin beer and a korean bbq...which is really good meat and veggies that we cook at the table...and we had to wear aprons cuz the grease sprays everywhere. I found the nagoya museum of art and they have a huge claude monet i cant wait to check it out tomorrow. And i got all the way to nagoya and back on the right trains!! I didnt even get lost, im gaining skillz! And i saw this sweet sign on the train that said カーSEX in big letters! (not sure if it was an ad for car sex, but i found it highly amauzing)..remember all the strip clubs in tokyo..ah good times. This morning I had to be at work early, 8:15, because the students are here. I gave my short speech...this is it: おはようございます。はじめまして。わたしわローレンモンテインです。アメリカのウィスコンシンからきました。わたしわウィスコンシンだいがくをそつぎょうしたばかりです。びじゅつーしをせんこうしました。どぞよろしくおねがいーします。Nice. Apparently i did a good job, everyone clapped and the principal came up to thank me afterwards, so i think they like me! The students and teachers are cleaning the school right now...that is something way different than us. The students clean the inside and outside of the school, bizarre. Then they have a test and afterwards at 2 I am holding english club in the library and helping all the kids with their speeches for the competition in september. Tomorrow I am leaving early to go to the board of education in nagoya with the other alts and have a conference thing all day so ill have more to report after the weekend! A couple of my japanese TAs from madison are in town next week and there a bunch of kids from my japanese class are all meeting in nagoya to climb fuji this weekend so i will probably get to meet up with some of them...its so bizarre there are three other jets in my prefecture that graduated from madison and I know tons more from japanese class there are lots of places i get to visit! Lots of love from japan! OH and i asked and I get to come to germany for christmas yea!! And i have this picture of Andy and me on my computer background and all the ladies think hes sooo handsome and think he is my boyfriend...its hilarious! He is a big hit with the japanese ladies! scratch that now i guess im a JETS fan....


Mom said...


Does Andy know he is an international heartthrob?? Sounds like you will be traveling all over Japan. and Germany at Christmas!!! Way to go!! Grandpa says is kitty?

Love yah


Mom said...

Dad was golfing at RCC. The consensus on the Pack: record will be 0-3 then Green Bay vs.Tampa Bay and Brett has a career game... Pack now 0-4.haha
Brewers won 6-3(won 20f3 from the REDS)
back home this weekend against Washington Nationals.
Eat more healthy food and drink less Kirin.
Do you have a kitchen and bathroom in your apartment? Love, DAD

Unknown said...

My sister still thinks Brett will end up playing for Minnesota. I hope she is right and he wins one more Super Bowl. He's a great QB and even better man. Go Brett, Boo TT. It sounds like you are really in the swing of things and busy, busy, busy. As you should be, enjoy the kids and keep blogging. Love to here your doing well. Deb

kayla said...

hey lauren, i'm at grandpas. i miss you!

kayla said...
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Mike said...

Hey Lauren - Maybe a Jets fan not a Tampa fan!

Sounds like things are going well - keep exploring!

Saw the family this week end - everyone is well.

Have fun at Disney!


brianna said...

GO JETS! im excited for when you come home in a year cuz we will have a little adventure to new york to go to a game! i loved your speech. i can read japanese now...didnt you know that? haha. but that's pretty awesome that you gave a speech in japanese! im proud! also im sure andy would love to hear that he is a hit in japan! haha. alright well i miss you and love you!!

lori and austin said...

Hi Lauren,
sounds like you are getting right into the swing of things there!! Your speech looked so beautiful-- you'll be great over the next year@!!! Disney will be awesome and the same for Fuji as your already a pro there! Hey, we were in NYC when Brett was announced as a Jet.. and everyone had a great comment about being sooooo happy about Brett-- he set a record his first day of practice as there were 10,000 fans who showed up to watch!!! We'll all have to go back there for a game AND shop!! The Jonas Brothers may not be there then-- if they r, u, Bri and Ash can camp out for it!! takecare, keep posting!! love, auntie lori