Sunday, August 17, 2008

Partying in Sakae

soooo michael phelps rules all and brett still kicks butt....i found a sports bar in nagoya to watch jets games!! well this weekend was crazy fun with the alts. On friday i cleaned my apartment and went to yamada-denki, the electronic store near me, and bought lots of things for the apartment....a shower bar, curtain, pots, pans...etc and now i have everything i need, i hope! On saturday i went shopping in sakae and found too many sales! I bought some dresses that were half off...apparently august is sale month but in september everything gets really expensive again so i have to do my shopping now! Then i met up with matt and we went to the hard rock, we just got paid a lot of money on friday for doing nothing so we decided to celebrate! I had a 17 dollar was well worth it! Hard Rock in Japan is like the Nitty Gritty, everyone goes there for their birthday and its crazy...people running around clapping and singing and banging on drums idk....and after we were planning on going up nagoya tv tower to see the view at night, but ran into roy and nick, who are older alts in nagoya, and then chris and tom, new alts, so we sat around outside drinking budweiser (ew)...there is like a fake central park in sakae and they have a cart of brooklyn hot dogs...which are not good... and american beer. After that we wandered and drank beer in the street, which is way more fun than stupid open container laws in the states! It was quite an entertaining evening! Sunday morning I went into sakae again at 11 to meet everyone for a scavenger hunt! We got into four team was just, chris, and matt (all from the midwest so we names our team the mid-western muts) we had costumes, which were dog noses, and a dog puppet mascot! We had a list of things to find and we had to take pictures of us wearing our costume and with the mascot in every picture....everyone thought we were crazy, as they should have. We found some interesting places sex shops...and saw some interesting grandmas wth purple hair, apparently its a fad in japan...and did illegal things, taking a picture of someone sleeping on a train is illegal, but we did it was 5 points! We got second place and our prize was a pitcher of beer at the sports bar shooters were we meet after the hunt. we made it just in time to watch phelps live win his 8th, it was sweet. After that we played games and I ate a quesadilla...i really miss mexican food (chipotle)...and then we left around 7 to go to an australian bar called red rock to watch one of the alts perform. That was a lot of fun as well....drinking beer, watching gymnastics, and listening to good live music..all in all a successful weekend! I am at work now, obviously working so hard because i have SO much to do but after work im going to go to Utsumi beach for the fireworks tonight...the japanese take their fireworks very seriously! And then tomorrow is orientation in nagoya all day! Ill try to put up pictures of my apartment and school on wednesday for you! I hope everyone is doing well and have a safe trip Rita!!! Lots of love and go USA!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Lulu you are truly a hoot and are taking the world by storm. I am glad you picked a safe place to travel and teach. All is well here and the talk is still Mike Phelps and Broadway Brett. You are too funny for words. Be safe and have a good first week of school. Debbie

Annie said...

Oo, first week of school - I can't wait to hear about that! I love the pictures you put up in the previous post too!

And I'm sure Chiptole misses you too - I'll go eat a burrito for you. (:

Mike said...

I worry about my poor innocent little niece, I hope the Asian world does not corrupt you. Remember that nice girls don't drink beer in public and always wear a scarf over your head. Keep your legs covered and never make eye contact with a Japanese man.
Simplicity is the way to enlightenment so don't buy anything else. (plus how do you think you are going to get it all home in TWO suitcases)
Mike & Michele

Unknown said...

Hmmm, it seems like everything you've been doing in Japan so far starts with BEER, leads to BEER, is influenced by BEER, is sustained by BEER or ends with BEER! I don't know, but I sense a disturbing pattern of debaucherous behavior....must be from the influence of your looney Aunt Rita : )

Megger said...

Hi, Sweetie Pie!
It's Meg, and everyone here at the dental office says HI to you there! Your Mom and Charlie were here today and Suzie Q is quite embarrassed by your antics! Charlie says that you come by it honestly, especially since you take after your mother! You look like you are having a tremendous time, and that you are behaving in a truly professional manner. Representing the USA quite well, my darlin' girl! Yeeee-ha! We are all quite relived that you found beer so readily, but I always knew you were a resourceful girl. Sorry it was Bud, but it is a little better than nothing. I only wish you had sound to go with your singing has to be delightful!
Keep having fun, sweetie, and always ALWAYS be safe. We will keep you in our prayers.
Love ya lots!
PS Don't forget to floss! ;)